Tag Archives: lyrics

“complain about the present, blame it on the PAST.” ~ Eagles – Get Over It


A lot of people that I know always ask me about how I get inspired to write a song and how to even start one.

The thing is with everyone it is a very different process to go through. I’m going to go into one of the processes and tell you how I have used this in my songwriting.

One of my favourite songwriters of all time, Kara DioGuardi, will reach into her own personal past experiences. When she co-wrote with Pink to write Sober, the second leading single off Pink’s 5th studio album Funhouse, Pink had an initial idea for the direction of the song but they both pulled the raw emotion behind the lyrics from each other.

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“HELLO WORLD, how you been? Good to see you my old friend.” ~ Lady Antebellum – Hello World


I thought I would create this first post to tell you a little bit more about myself than my “About” page on here.

I have had a love of music for as long as I can remember. As a kid, it always helped me with expressing my emotions and made me feel less alone with situations that I have been going through during my life.

My ideas wall where I post lyrics that haven't formed full songs yet

 I can remember from about the age of 8, I would come up with new lyrics to my favourite songs at the time, and perform them to whoever would listen, whether it be my grandma or my loyal teddy bears.

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